Author: admin

Meet Yana – The Adorable ‘Two-Faced’ Cat

This adorable ‘two-faced’ cat has won an army of social media fans thanks to her very unique facial markings. Being two-faced is generally considered to be a bad thing. Unless you’re Yana the cat that is. Because as you can see, this adorable chimeric feline has beautiful unique markings. She looks like her parents ran out of…

The Kitten Covers – Classic Album Covers Recreated Using Kittens

What happens when you blend rock n’ roll with kittens? A pretty amazing series of album covers re-imagined, that’s what! This fun and fascinating collection of photos was created by Alfra Martini (aka aymvisuals) and replaces iconic figures from some of the most famous music albums with playful images of felines. If you’d like to…

Amazing Photographer Focuses On Disabled Cats To Prove They’re Just As Pawsome As Any Other Cat

Talented photographer Monika Malek is using her talents to highlight the beauty of disabled cats. Her photographs prove that disabled or not, cats are all the same amazing creatures in need of love, cat-nip, and scratching posts. Malek writes via Bored Panda, “I wish to change the way people think about disabled cats. I wish to change the mind…

We Can’t Help But Love Cats Even If Sometimes They Are Assholes

Even if you don’t own a cat yourself, a fact about our furry feline counterparts is universally known: cats are freaking assholes. While this may be due to their biology, or the fact that you just annoy them with your very existence, we love them all the same. For some reason, almost because they’re complete assholes to…

14 Cats That Have Mastered The Ancient Art Of Ninjutsu And Camouflage

We bring you 14 ninja cats that have mastered the art of being sneaky and hiding in all the right places. Cats are always ready to launch and attack, in fact they are four-legged ninjas capable of mass destruction if provoked by the wrong dog, person or any creature—living or squeak toy. These hilarious photos prove…

Study Suggests: Watching Cat Videos And Pictures Makes People Happy & Boosts Energy

Some people may think watching online cat videos isn’t a serious enough topic for academic research, but the fact is that it’s one of the most popular uses of the Internet today,” Myrick said in a news release. “We all have watched a cat video online, but there is really little empirical work done on why…