Author: admin

Meet Palla’s Cat, The Most Expressive Cat In The World

Manul cats are a near-threatened wild species found in the grasslands and montane steppes of Central Asia. More commonly known as Pallas’ cats, they are distinguished by having round pupils, short legs, and a flat-looking face with wide-set ears that can create some of the funniest / dramatic expressions in the feline kingdom. #1 #2…

Research Indicates That Cats Might Have 5 Purrsonalities Types

Cats may be known for having nine lives, but a new study suggests they may share just five personalities. Dr Lauren Finka, a research fellow at the University of Lincoln, came to the conclusion after ‘interviewing’ more than 200 felines and their owners. She suggests that the five categories of cat are Human Cat, Hunter Cat,…

How Technology Has Changed Our Cat’s Lives, Then Vs Meow

Smart phones. Computers. Flat screen TV. The internet. Few people can live without them, and those that can are generally branded weird, anti-social, or subversive. “But how has the feline world responded to the emergence of the modern technological revolution?” I hear you cry! Well, with a great deal of confusion it seems. As you…

Woman That Loves Sewing And Cats Creates Functional Pincushions With Purrsonality And Humor

Kathleen Schmid is a woman who loves sewing. She got bored with the traditional tomato pincushion, she felt the need to see something a bit better than just a red tomato on her table, so she decided to create pincushions that look like her favourite animals, cats. She tries to incorporate personality and humor into each and every character that…