Author: admin

Japanese Photographer Ryo Yamazaki Makes Hats From The Hair His Cats Shed, And They Are Adorable

1. Wizard cats. Photo credit: Ryo Yamazaki 2. Cat ears! On cat ears! Photo credit: Ryo Yamazaki 3. “You shall not pass!” Photo credit: Ryo Yamazaki 4. Trump’s Cat. Photo credit: Ryo Yamazaki 5. The elite students of Hogwarts. Photo credit: Ryo Yamazaki 6. Unicorn! Photo credit: Ryo Yamazaki 7. Stylish kitty! Photo credit: Ryo Yamazaki 8. Poop emoji cat! Photo credit: Ryo Yamazaki 9. Whispering to the great…

Funny Cats Impersonating People You See At The Gym

The “it took me a decade to master this pose” yoga enthusiast: instagram   The “I may look cute, but I could easily deadlift your body weight” challenger:     The “I look good and I’m not even trying” fashionista: Credit: instagram   The “patiently waiting for class to begin” yoga student: Credit: instagram   The “I…

The Proof That Cats Are More Bread Than You’d Think

Mikiko, a German-Japanese artist has developed a scientific study that proved her cat is actually bread. Documenting her findings, she created a series of illustrations, so others can determine whether their own felines share the same condition. This ‘loafing’ phenomenon can be found in many cats. Tell us in the comments below if you spotted the ‘loafing’ phenomenon in your…

11 Cats Helping Decorate Christmas Trees

Cats love to attack anything that’s shiny, so during Christmas, the target is pretty obvious. The funny thing is that cats are one of the few creatures on this planet that can completely destroy your Christmas and make you go ‘Aaaw’ at the same time. #1 Almost there…just…a….little…further…! #2 Undressing the christmas tree #3 The…