10 Cute And Funny Cats That Actually Love Water

Posted on Funny

You can’t stereotype people or animals. Case and point… everyone assumes that ALL cats hate water just because a great many of them are not fans of H2O.

So despite the common assumption that all cats hate water, turns out there are plenty of kitties out there that absolutely love it. Just take a look at these aqua-adoring cats on our list that clearly prove water does float some cat’s boats.


#1 Just give me a bubble bath and feed me some tuna

Photo Credit: silvo81


#2 Looks like someone found nemo

Photo Credit: Chris Phillips


#3 Fun bath time

Photo Credit: megandiane15


#4 Drinking fountain for cats

Photo Credit: Dech Screen


#5 Judging by his expression, this cat may not like water as much as some of the other cats on this list…

Photo Credit:  elevin mcdvelve


#6 Dumb water fountains spray all over the place. I just want a drink of water!


#7 Quit taking pictures! I’m having a bubble bath! Wait til I’m dry and all fluffy, pretty for the camera!

Crdit: getcatnipdaily.com


#8 One watering hole, 2 amenities: drinking and bathing


#10 Swimming laps isn’t just for humans, apparently some cats dig aquatic cardio too

Credit: top1walls.com