Purrfectly Camouflaged Cats

Cats have many skills. They can climb, they can hunt, they can sleep for up to 16 hours, and they always land on their feet. They’re also masters of disguise.

Below we have a list of cats in camouflage (otherwise known as catouflage) that is sure to put your hide and seek skills to the test.

1. A master of disguise.

Photo credit: imgur.com

2. Just a mat with cats. Oh wait…

3. Just spent 10 minutes looking for my cat.

Photo credit: cewallace9

4. My rug has eyes.

Photo credit: SgtJim

5. Hat cat.

6. Fluffiness!

Photo credit: 

7. “Be water my friend”

Photo credit: 9gag

Story inspiration: BoredPanda