Author: admin

Why Do Our Cats Love Boxes So Much

Seeking out confined spaces is an instinctual behavior for cats. In the wild, these areas allow the animals to both hide from predators and surreptitiously stalk prey. …Boxes also provide cats with a cozy, safe place to sleep, which is very important given that the felines sleep for up to 20 hours a day Veterinary scientists from the University…

15 Amusing Differences Between Cats And Dogs

There’s a never-ending battle between cat and dog owners, trying to establish their pets as the superior ones. To recap arguments of both sides, we have decided to collect some of the funniest ‘They Can Talk‘ comics about the differences between the beloved four-legged companions.   #1 Credit: TheyCanTalk   #2 Credit: TheyCanTalk   #3…

These Cats Don’t Understand Why Their Humans Laugh Every Time They See Them…

Cats have all kind of different fur markings. Their coats are colorful and diverse. There are countless genes that govern different aspects of fur color, length, patterns and other properties. These mutations create beautiful and unique patterns, but they can sometimes also create unexpectedly designs. The following cats have something in common. They all have one…