Author: admin

Adopt A Senior Cat This November – Adopt A Senior Pet Month

When it comes to ages of adoptees, the cat world has a sad parallel with the human world: Overwhelmingly, people want babies. The older orphaned children become in the foster-care system, the harder it becomes to get them adopted into a permanent home. Likewise, in the world of homeless felines, most adopters gravitate toward the…

Mythical Beasts : 12 Pictures Showing The Majestic Beauty Of Maine Coons

Let photographer Robert Sijka introduce you to Maine Coons – the largest domesticated breed of cats in the world. They’re basically the closest thing to a lynx that you can share your home with, without worrying too much about your well-being. Sijka always saw cats as majestic, almost mystical beasts, and now he came up with a way to…