These 14 Funny Photos Show Us That Cats Can Sleep In Any Position

There are two things we really, really love in the world. Want to know the first one? Cats. These little furry fluff-balls make our lives so much better, even though we’re not really sure what they get up to most of the time. Are they just really cute? Or are they plotting our demise?

However, we do have something in common with cats. We both share our second love; sleep. Yep, we love a good nap after work… or before work… or during work. We love getting in a few Z’s while we’re watching our favorite TV show (which means we have to rewind it about seven times to actually understand what’s going on) and we just love snuggling up on the couch with our kitties. But it seems cats love to sleep just as much as we do – and they might even love it more than we do. When our cats aren’t bringing us dead mice or birds or being nice to us for a change, we can bet our hats that they’ll be sleeping. And they’ll snooze anywhere. Inside, outside, or anywhere in-between.

Because of this fantastic ability to sleep anywhere and everywhere, people across the world have captured some incredible photos of their cats sleeping in some of the most awkward positions you ever did see. So of course, we just HAD to categorize all of the different sleeping positions we found and give you the ultimate awkward-sleeping directory. You can thank us later.

1. The Clothes Dryer

The Clothes Dryer awkward sleeping position is all about imagination. firstly you need to imagine that you are an item of clothing that has just been taken out of a washing machine. Next, you need to imagine that you’re soaking wet, and need to be hung out to dry. Then, you need to find yourself a clothes dryer and drape yourself over it accordingly. Et voila.

2. The Double Bed

To master The Double Bed sleeping position, you’ll need a fellow cat who won’t mind getting their head squished by a pair of furry legs. You might struggle to find a cat willing to endure this, though, so you might have to bend the truth a little – or you could just offer them a toasty and warm bed in return. You’ll just conveniently forget to tell them that the second bed is actually yours as well. You know, because one huge bed just isn’t enough.

3. The Rough Night

Let’s be honest, we all know what we want after a rough night on the town – a good kip. However, when we’re a little worse for wear, we don’t really care where or how we get to sleep. It could be propped up on the toilet, it could be on the kitchen floor, or it could be nestled in between a few radiator pipes. We know which one we’d go for, because this guy looks super comfortable. Although he might want to brush his fur in the morning.

4. The Contortionist (Couch Edition)

Okay, so the aim of The Contortionist (Couch Edition) is simple – and can be executed by any cat of any age and any breed. All you need is a couch, and the ability to bend and twist your body in any which way and direction. You can twist however you like, but it’s best to keep your belly facing upwards – as this presents your humans with optimum scratching area. Sit back and (kinda) relax, and scratch away, hooomans.

5. The Window Ledge

When it comes to The Window Ledge awkward sleeping position, there are no limits. If you see a Window Ledge, you go sleep there gurl. You do you. These ledges give cats the perfect mixture of support and softness – because there’s nothing better than letting it all hang out as it flows around cold, steel bars. Apparently. Unfortunately, the Window Ledge doesn’t come with its own pillow, so you’ll need to use your paws for that.

6. The Furry Pile of Fluff

Ahhhh, the Furry Pile of Fluff. This sleeping position is quite possibly one of the best positions – if you can find a few friends to help you out. All you need is a couple of fluffballs to lie on top of each other to keep everyone snug. Although if you get the chance, try and avoid bottom bunk – as you’ll be pretty toasty, but might wake up a little winded with all of your furry friends on top of you.

7. The Head Rush

There’s one sure-fire way to make sure you get a good night’s sleep – and that’s The Head Rush sleeping position. Okay, yeah. It does make you pass out. But at least it makes you fall asleep, right? No more tossing and turning trying to get comfortable. No more lying awake for hours counting sheep (do cats count sheep? Wouldn’t it make sense to count mice?) Just turn your head upside down and let it happen. DISCLAIMER: this doesn’t actually make a cat pass out.

8. The Full Situp

Yep, cats really do sleep like this. And yep, it does look super uncomfortable (but also kinda adorable, because this little kitty is so teeny and tiny). The Full Situp sleeping position is normally the result of a cat aiming to be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger with a full 8-pack – because 6-packs are for amateurs. However, this cat soon realized it was better off being Homer Simpson and decided to have a cat nap instead.

9. The Sunbathing Cat

I mean, how chill does this guy look? He’s got the perfect setup. Legs spread wide, laying in the groove of the roof, with the sun on his skin (fur) and his arms above his head. All he’s missing now is a beer in his paws. This cat has got the awkward sleeping position nailed. Even the other cats are jealous. Just look at that black and white cat; staring off in the distance thinking ‘why can’t I be that cool?’

10. The Book Worm

This is an awkward sleeping position we can definitely get behind. For this position, you’ll need a good stack of books of your choosing – you can grab some classics, some thrillers, some romantic comedies or even go non-fiction if you’re feeling extra wild. Next, you need to adopt the worm position and lay on top of the books. Rumor has it you dream of the stories when you sleep in The Book Worm. We can’t confirm this though, so we’ll have to try it out for ourselves…

11. Be the Box

So, we’ve seen the Half-in, Half-out sleeping box position. This position is slightly more advanced, and for the cat who really wants to give themselves good night’s sleep, and a bit more back pain. This position will also require more advanced box hunting skills, as you need to find the perfect size for your body. Because if you’re going to jam your whole body inside of it, it needs to be at least a little bit comfortable (even if it doesn’t look it).

12. If I Fits, I Sits

This is for the cat who doesn’t care where the heck it sleeps; it just wants a few Z’s. The If I Fits, I Sits sleeping position is incredibly easy to master, and doesn’t take much coaching. You simply need to find a space of any kind (the smaller, the better really) and squash your whole body into it, completely disregarding the fact you have bones and that your body should definitely not bend that way, but for some reason it does. Because if you fit, you can sit. And if you can sit, you can sleep.

13. The Dog Bed

The Dog Bed is often commonly misinterpreted. No, dear furry friend – you’re not supposed to steal the actual dog’s bed. Instead, you use the dog as your bed. It’s warm; it’s squishy, it’s comfortable. Of course, you first need to build up a certain relationship with said dog; as it’s best not to lay on it if you are currently in the midst of a pet war. Tread carefully with this one; it can be tricky to maneuver.

14. The Lap-Cat

For this awkward sleeping position, you’ll need a willing human who will happily provide you with comfort, warmth, and the ability to scratch you here and there. However, finding the right human can be difficult – so it’s probably best to try them all out and eliminate the rubbish ones. Once you’ve found the perfect lap, you’ll have hours of sleepy time. Stretch out, take over all of the lap space, make the human incredibly uncomfortable, and enjoy.

By: Eitan Goldstien

Story inspiration: Monagiza