15 Cats That Will Have You Laughing : Their Antics Are Hilarious

Posted on Weird

#1 Guess I’m a bear now

Source: reddit

#2 Monkey accepting his fate

Source: reddit

#3 Nothing to see…move along

Source: reddit

#4 I want to break free

Source:   reddit

#5 Just a chilling cat, nothing to see here

Source: reddit

#6  A box for every mood.

Source: reddit

#7 Hunter thinks destroying wallpaper is tiring

Source: reddit

#8 She said BOP

Source: reddit

#9 Guess I’m a chair meow


#10  He Sits Like This and Glares at Me.


#11   Severus accepts the homemade sleeve hat

  Source: reddit

#12 Into the abyss

  Source: reddit

#13  Moew (Meow but upside down)

  Source: reddit

#14  Sir, the meeting will begin in 10 minutes

  Source: reddit

#15  Scuse me while I flex (Leo, age 9)

  Source: reddit

Let us know in the comments below your opinion about these kitties and which one intrigued you the most.