15 Seriously Strange Cats Who Make Us Laugh Out Loud
#1 Fluff catcher
Source: twitter
#2 Spa day
Source: twitter
#3 The most interesting way to sit
Source: reddit
#4 He stares at me like this constantly. This particular time he did it for over three minutes. It’s very unsettling and I wish i knew why.
Source: reddit
#5 He likes to sleep face first.
Source: reddit
#6 Juju is a Special boy we all love!
Source: reddit
#7 His most favorite thing in the world is plastic bags, I can’t put them away because he will go and seek them. What is wrong with him?
Source: reddit
#8 So what time is dinner served in this joint?
Source: reddit
#9 Criss cross applesauce
#10 This is Gar. Gar likes to aggressively watch me pee.
#11 P[owerful fang energy
Source: Laura Phillips
#12 Into the abyss
Source: twitter
#14 This Gorgeous Boy Keeps Visiting! Although He Knows Hes Not Allowed In The House He Does Try!!! Ive Named Him Mr Big Balls… I Think You Can Figure Out Why
Source: twitter
#15 Honey the cat got into the portal again
Source: reddit
Let us know in the comments below your opinion about these kitties and which one intrigued you the most.