These Cats Acted So Cute Owners Had To Stop And Snap A Picture (15 Photos)
#1 It Is The Cutest Pic I Seen Today
Source: reddit
#3 Sitting Like This Everytime
Source: reddit
#4 I Think It’s Time To Repot The Cat
#5 Hypno-Kitty
Source: reddit
#6 “Excuse Me, But Did Someone Say ‘Pspspspsps!’?”
#7 Wally Got Scared, And His Eyes Broke My Heart ?
Source: reddit
#8 This Is It, Guys. She’s Hit Peak Cute
#9 Double Layer Of Cuteness
Source: vinkulelu
#10 The Rescue Said To Take Pictures That Capture My Foster Kitten’s Personality To Help Her Get Adopted. I Just Sent Them These

Source mishalaluna
#12 Whiling Away The Days

#13 Louis Has A Lazy Eye But I Think It Makes Him Even Cuter

Source: MegglesRuth
#14 This is what cat engagement photos would look like.
Source: reddit
#15 I’m Floored Too, By How Cute This Is
Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments.