These 14 Hilarious Cats Are The Purrfect Jerks

#1 What did we learn, your cat can make your death seem like suicide lol


#2 “Hey hooman, remember those bills you were so stressed about ? We got rid of them”

Source: reddit

#3 “It’s fine, i did not want the bread anyway…”


#Nudge chooses the one person who is allergic in a room full of people


#5 “My girlfriend came home to our cat Dirt sitting by the window”

#6 Admiring his handy work

#7 My cat bites my dad whenever he’s paying attention to my mom and not him


#8 Music critic

#9 “Now i know i’m a cat. But we can keep this quiet can’t we ? “

Source: reddit

#10 “Why you can’t find somewhere else to take a standing-up nap”

#11 “Get a cat, they said. They provide emotional support and are often misunderstood, they said”

#12 “He’s not allowed on the table”

#13 Found him laying in a bowl of grapes. He smushed them all. He is proud of himself

#14 Cats and plants do not get along

Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments.