These 14 Cute Weirdo Kitties Are Funny
#1 She pooped, went back to smell it, then was frozen with this look on her face for 30 seconds
Source: reddit
#2 Miss Kevan guarding my wife’s lap, or preventing her from paying attention to the other cats
Source: reddit
#3 Getting brushed
Source: reddit
#4 He has his own bed but he finds this position comfy
#5 “If I sits very still the hooman can’t sees me…”
Source: reddit
#6 Weaponizing cat 1..2..3…
Source: reddit
#7 Censored

#9 She will lay in a different idiotic spot every dayq
Source: reddit
#10 My cat likes to pose with all four paws lined up
Source: reddit
#11 He’s been staring at me like this for awhile.

Source: reddit
#12 Sage.exe has crashed
Source: reddit
#13 My Stevie, being her crazy self.
Source: reddit
#14 Not quite scrungy but not not scrungy

Source: reddit
Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments.