14 Adorable And Funny Moments
#1 Waking up is hard to do
By goldfish165
#2 Fell asleep like this ?
By acquelineku
#3 How did this penguin get in my house? ?
#4 When in doubt, tail out

#5 No dishes. Only cats.
By LithiumIXVI
#6 Doodles just chillin like a weirdo
By keschaller89
#7 Found Eclair sleeping like this out of nowhere
#8 Bagel Mode Activate ??
#9 OMG I Love snow so muuuch !
By Krw71815
#10 So comfortable…
By itsCatFluff
#12 Contrary to appearances, she is not taking a dump
#13 You Shall Not Pass
By braburner20
#14 Why is my cat squished
By Skabella
Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments.