Uplifting Collection Of Photos Before And After Adoption
#1 What a few months of TLC can do. Taken away from a bunch of school boys that said they were gonna drown him in a toilet. Still so glad to have overheard or I wouldn’t have this boy today
#2 6 months of love for my Mr. Biscuits
By CassieL24
#3 Her first week home, Jacqueline wouldn’t even eat in front of me. 5 months later, she screams if she doesn’t get pet at least every minute and lays on my keyboard so I’m not distracted from her presence.
#4 Helen was found at 5 weeks old, underweight, flea-ridden and full of parasites. She’s now 4 months old, and ready for adoption!

#5 This Poor 10 y/o Little Man took a Year to go from brutalized to healthy and active
By Vealophile
#6 Kevin went from a filthy, sneezing blood, bag of bones in lock up at AC to everyone’s fav chubby buddy in less than a year. He’s on a diet now.
#7 I found these little dumplings under my house four years ago. I love them so much
#8 One of my rescued stray babies from 2020! He was around 3 weeks old when I found him and now he celebrated his first New Year in his new home!
#9 I found this little guy scurring across a busy highway skid up barely the size of my hand here is about 6 months later. Marley napping like a bum on Christmas
#10 Feral kitten transformation
By SegaDog
Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments.