Best Moments Of The Year 2020
Another year has passed, and even if it was a more challenging year, we, the Viral Cats community made it more enjoyable by sharing so many photos of our furry friends and so many stories about them.
We thought that it would be a good way to end this year and start a new one with a post of some of the best photos from you, from Viral Cats Group, from the entire year of 2020.
It was so hard to choose, but we made a list of 40 special moments throughout this year. Hope you enjoy it.
# Little angel, NaLa.
Sent to us by Ionut Donici. (tigger_i_am_)
# “Mystery is the equivalent of my furry soulmate. He is my heart, my familiar, my best friend, and confidant. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for this 14pd Fuzzbutt.”
Sent to us by Monida Davidson
# “Anybody else have one of them automatic toothbrushes?”
Sent to us by Lee Becham.
# Just another rainy Caturday…
Sent to us by Karen Poch Hurst
# Bella
Sent to us by Joanne Newall.
# “Ghost making sure everyone is keeping the page clean.”
Sent to us by Shanna Hs Herrick (Viral Cats Group Moderator).
# Crystalino
Sent to us by Linda Dapi. (crystalino_the_persian)
#4 Clarke, Rusty, and Cousin Eddie practicing synchronized sleeping.

Sent to us by Marcel Landry. (The Griswold Boys)
# “Finally found something so cute to display on my shelf.”
Sent to us by Mahzuza Eid.
# “My boys as kittens.”
Sent to us by Suzanne Vantre.
# Gizmo and Ranger
Sent to us by Amy Elizabeth.
# “I hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday. If you forgot how then let Charlie and Fred show you how ?“
Sent to us by Missy Engels.
# Green Bean’s dating app profile pic.
Sent to us by Brenda Fleming Foster.
# “Happy Caturday from George ?“
Sent to us by Sue Litterick.
# “I couldn’t believe this was my cat at first, Teddy fell in a pond.”
Sent to us by Ellie Bessey.
# Macaroni loves to sleep with his toy fish. ?
Sent to us by Joy Murtagh.
# “I don’t have an attitude, I have a personality you can’t handle.” – Sir Baltazar
Sent to us by Robert Strand. (coonsangels)
# “I haz channelthingy so I haz the power!Queen Lilith of Control ? ?“
Sent to us by Bonnerup Janni.
# “I’ve decided to name her Sassy but my daughter likes Mocha so I guess she has two names.”
Sent to us by Yajaira Rodriguez.
# Three week old cutie
Sent to us by Charles Savoie.
# Isabelle, Siberian snow beast!
Sent to us by Brent William Postlethwaite.
# “No social distancing going on here. Floki must make a purrrrrrfect seat. This is a common site in my house.“
Sent to us by Amy Tibbits.
# Kosmo has an annoying fly in sight.
Sent to us by Tom van Huet. (polar_coons)
# “My foster kitten Little Tiger then and now. I see no difference. (I mean his facial expression)”
Sent to us by Mon Mập Mạp.
# Little Weirdo says “Hi!”
Sent to us by Heather Arnold.
“Welcome to Loki. She is the cutest cat xx?”
Sent to us by Muriel Ann Smith
# Miss Queenie in her cat-tank!
Sent to us by Casey Poon.
# “My little stalker. ?”
Sent to us by Karin Hartwell
# “Rawr, I will kill the Christmas tree!”
Sent to us by Michelle Powel.
# Baby Ashtrid
Sent to us by Acer Maymay.
# Rory
Sent to us by Conor Ryan.
#“Ninjas Diary? Day 315:
Growing up in the city is tough. There are 2 main cat gangs controlling the area, 1 is called the Purrito outclaws, they like to wear flea collars backwards as a sign of bravery and they control the flow of most of the Dreamies coming in and out the city.
The other is called the Catnip Cowboys these guys wear purple bandanas, are not litter trained and run the biggest catnip operation ever seen. Word on the street is they have connections to the OG doggy fathers up north!
I can’t deny or confirm if I am connected to either one at this time!
Ninja The Sphynx ??“
Sent to us by Matt King
# She’s helping her daddy find the right street! She was found a 5 weeks in our driveway, all alone. Now she makes a great navigator!
Sent to us by Tina Wade.
# “OMG hooman, put some clothes on!”
Sent to us by Lea Fellows.
# This is Charlie. He is extremely dramatic.
Sent to us by Molly Strothkamp. (Leo, Charlie and Lola)
# “They think I am a door ?”
Sent to us by TessaWilliam Sandoval England.
# “This is how I work from home.”
Sent to us by Shannon Stalford.
# “So I was kneeling on the floor for a minute.?“
Sent to us by Janet Webb Bowden.
# Yuki from France (means snow in Japanese).
Sent to us by Pha Chan.
Tell us which photo do you think was the best, in the comments below, and join our community, Viral Cats Group. We can’t wait to see your awesome photos and videos in the next year. Happy new year everybody!