Wholesome Before And After Adoption Photos
# 1 10 months ago I found this little guy abandoned and starving, now he’s a pampered little prince?
By NeverTheRani
#2 3-4 Week Kitten a Week after Rescue
By Lalabeth93
#3 Six months after taking him in. A foster fail.
By stickfriend
#4 To think that Luna used to fit in the palm of my hand.

By EmiGawd
#5 We rescued her. Look at her now ?
By carameldesi
#6 Hazel was a stray who was rescued after being caught in a steel trap for an estimated 5 days. She lost her leg but found her home with me! This is 8 weeks after coming home.
By amkaewes
#7 Rescued from a fast-food parking lot. After some feeding supplements and vet visits, Daisy is now a happy, healthy lap kitty. 🙂
By arumi_kai
#8 From a little baby with a respiratory infection and full of worms to the biggest sweetheart. Tobin only has good things in his future from here on out
#9 My foster baby Max when I got him and when he was healthy enough to go to his forever home ♥️
#10 Tiger at the shelter, Murph after adoption.
#11 Six months after taking him in ?
By stickfriend
#12 From a little baby with a respiratory infection and full of worms to the biggest sweetheart. Tobin only has good things in his future from here on out
By CLWatts94
Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments.