14 Photos Showing That Cats Are Liquid

# 1 Just a big glass of milk !?

Credit: reddit


#2 Melted cat pouring out of a hammock

Credit: reddit

#3 Cat melting through the chair omg !


#4 Fluffed and folded laundry !

Credit: reddit

#5 There’s some spillage

Credit: reddit

#6 Accurate description of the form !



#7 Cat poured in salad container


#8 Liquid cheek

Credit: reddit

#9 This is Basil, and he is 1 gallon.

Credit: reddit


#10 Sink full of CAT

Credit: reddit

#11 Where is water… Where is Fish… Here just liquid

Credit: reddit

#12 Sudden melt !

Credit: reddit

#13 Elongated cat

Credit: reddit

#14 What a grumpy bevarage !

Credit: reddit

Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments.