15 Cute Photos Of Curious Cats Standing Up

# 1 Master kitty

Credit: reddit


#2 Watching the neighbourhood

Credit: reddit

#3 Sup hooman !

Credit: reddit

#4 I want that !!


#5 Watcha doin !?

Credit: reddit

#6 Aww.. too cute !

Credit: reddit



#7 What you looking at !?

  Credit: reddit

#8 Standing floof !

Credit: ihearthermione

#9 Fooood !

Credit:  reddit


#10 What is this one doing !?


#11 Our cat begs for food like a prairie dog

Credit: reddit

#12 Feed me hooman !

Credit: reddit

#13 Looks like a kitty wizard

Credit: reddit

#14 Chonkers fight standing up

Credit: reddit

#15 When you forgot to delete your browsing history


Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments.