14 Funny Photos Of Cats Acting Like Jerks

# 1 I own you hooman !

Credit: reddit


#2 What u looking at ? I regret nothing ! Nothing !

Credit: reddit

#3 Trying to snack on some cereal and my kitten does this.

Credit: reddit

#4 Oh you spent all this money on comfortable beds?


#5 She closed all my tabs!

Credit: reddit

#6 Can’t have nice things

Credit: reddit



#I guess I’m done wrapping gifts?

  Credit: reddit

#8 No pet, not in the mood !


#9 My cat just sat on my pizzas on squashed them

Credit: reddit


#10 It’s fine I didn’t need to do work or anything…


#11 Im sure my dog is miserable but still doesn’t want to move and wake up Charlie

Credit: reddit

#12 You can’t find somewhere else to take a standing-up nap?!

Credit: reddit

#13 Human, I’m not blocking the view, I am the view!


#14 Caught him in the act!

Credit: reddit

Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments.