These Cats Will Make You Yawn

Yawning is one of the great mysteries of life. Lions do it, bats do it, so do snakes, dogs, humans and last but not least, cats do it, and the list can go on. They all yawn. You see someone yawn, and you feel like yawning yourself. You get tired, you yawn, you are bored by an Internet article, you yawn (and click away). Even I, while I’m writing this article and see these photos with cats yawning, feel like I want to yawn.

There are many reasons why cats yawn. Cats may yawn in order to intake more air, or to stay alert, to communicate, or because they are bored, or even because they see you yawn and it’s contagious for them as well.

No matter why cats yawn, we think they are really cute and funny when they do it, so we decided to share with you some photos and gifs that might bring a smile on your face, or, most likely, make you yawn.

Tell us what you think in the comments below and don’t forget to share this with your friends to make them yawn in the same way you most likely will.


Photo credit: Pinterest


Source: giphy


Photo credit: flickr


Photo credit: Pinterest


Source: giphy


Photo credit:  Mike Lemmon/Flickr


Photo credit: Hisashi/Flickr


Photo source: pixabay


Photo source: pixabay


Photo source: pixabay


Photo credit: Pixabay


Credit: tumblr


Photo credit: Pixabay


Credit: tumblr

That’s all for meow. I hope this post left you feline fine.