Cats And Humans In A Parallel Universe

Cats are probably the cutest and the most evil things ever. Cats are known to do very strange things and sometimes things that are quite annoying for us humans. As much as we love them, we can’t help but wonder how they got those evil ideas that can quite often be funny. However, what if the roles would be changed in a parallel universe?

Manfried the Man is a comic series created by Caitlin Major about a tiny human being who’s being taken care of by his owner Steve – a middle-aged, single, anthropomorphic cat. Manfried is a grumpy, lazy, balding, overfed pet man, who loves to knock things off tables on purpose and to sleep in the sun.

As the internet is obsessed with cats and their adventures, it’s no wonder that people have already fallen in love with the comic series and with the Garfield-like man Manfried.

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Image credit: Caitlin Major


Image credit: Caitlin Major


Image credit: Caitlin Major


Image credit: Caitlin Major


Image credit: Caitlin Major


Image credit: Caitlin Major


Image credit: Caitlin Major


Image credit: Caitlin Major


Image credit: Caitlin Major


Image credit: Caitlin Major

Story inspiration: BoredPanda