Cat Born Without Back Legs Amazes Humans With His Endless Energy

A human in Berlin, named Mareen, was feeding some stray cats in a yard when a tiny feline caught their eye. It was a beautiful kitten with a pretty white coat and black spots, but the surprising thing was that he only had two legs.

Photo credit: Instagram

The human tried to get closer but the kitten disappeared as quickly as a rocket. Mareen was determined to help the kitten so she kept bringing more food for him every day, and slowly, the kitten started to be more familiar with her and to gain trust in her.

Photo credit: Instagram

After a while, the kitten allowed her to approach and pick him up. The human decided to name the kitten “Rocket” and took him home with her. Rocket’s first night at home was not an easy one. He was not familiar with the surroundings, and this made him uncomfortable so he kept meowing through the night, but Mareen knew he scared and confused, so she kept him company and talked to him all night long.

Photo credit: Instagram

Soon, Rocket learned to trust his human, he came out of his shell and began to show more of his personality and display affection to his human.

Photo credit: Instagram

There were other cats in Rocket’s new home, too. He got along well with them and often surpasses their playfulness.

Photo credit: Instagram

It’s been more than a year since Mareen found Rocket and even if he has only two legs, he’s faster and more playful than the other cats in the house.

Roket may not be like anyone else but his family loves him just as he is!

Photo credit: Instagram

Photo credit: Instagram

Photo credit: Instagram

High five!

Photo credit: Instagram

Story inspiration Pawpulous, Lovemeow.