15 Cute Cats Who Love Warmth More Than Anything

They sleep for most of their lives  2. When they’re not sleeping, they’re plotting to take over the world 3. When they’re not sleeping or plotting to take over the world, they’re looking for some place to keep warm

Can’t find a warm human to sleep on? Use their laptop. Can’t find a radiator or a laptop? Then use the oven! Cats are infinitely inventive when it comes to finding warmth. Let’s just hope they’re not so creative when it comes to their plans for world domination…

#1 Kitten finds a warm spot, so cute

Credit: lizzikins

#2 My heater, mine and only mine…

Credit: SlothKitty

#3 Warming up like a boss

Credit: かご猫Blog

#4 My purrfect place for naps

#5 These guys are just too cute !

#6 Magnet for kittens

#7 She Loves The Warm Air Coming Out Of The Laptop

Credit: truegamer1

#8 Majestic kitten sunbathing

Credit: divineturd

#9 This cat comes from the cold and puts her paws on the lamp to warm them up

Credit: PutADonkOnIt

#10 Other type of cat warmer


#11 Found a warm spot

Credit: Woozle316

#12 Questioning technology

#13 Purrfect spot

#14 Tucked in

#15 Best discovery ever