9 Pictures That Prove Cats Are Plotting World Domination

You might think your cat is out roaming the neighbourhood or chewing the heads off mice, but it’s actually attempting to communicate with none other than Satan himself.

Why? We don’t know, but it probably has something to do with world domination. Check out the proof below, and then find yourself the nearest fallout shelter. We’re pretty sure this isn’t going to end well for us humans…


#1 One cup dropped from the shelve at a time

Photo: pleasuretohaveinclas

 #2 Guarding the passage to hell

Photo: gsmaciel

#3 Is that a dog kennel burning in the background?

Photo: Subtractive_

#4 You come to the wrong neighborhood

#5 What i see every night before bed

Photo: reddit.com

#6 Call the exorcist

Photo: Matt

#7 Smeowg… “My PRECIOUSSS !!”

Photo: ShirleyFerrell

#8 The last video ever taken by this poor person.

#9 “I Remember Where I Was…the Day The Portal Opened… And They Entered Our World”

Photo: Whitemourn

Story inspiration: BoredPanda