5 Funny Cat Stories That Prove Cats Are The Weirdest
1. Submitted by caseykicksrocks.
My one cat, Earl, licks my husband’s armpits while he’s sleeping.
2. Submitted by Nicole Christina (Facebook).
I smelled something funny when I was getting ready for work one day. I followed the smell to the kitchen, where I found that my cat had turned on my gas stove and was standing over the burner huffing the fumes. Needless to say, I was forced to remove the knobs from my stove, and only put them on when I need to use it.
3. Submitted by olsonc2010.
My cat hates the French national anthem. If you sing it from anywhere in the house he will find you and attack you.

4. Submitted by Katyna Singleton (Facebook).
Scary AF: All three of my cats stare into the fireplace when the flue is open and there is no fire. They just sit there and stare. Scares me every single time.

5. Submitted by mdr14.
My cat brought me two large potatoes in the middle of the night from the kitchen counter.
Feel free to share your cat’s weird habbit with us below !
Story Credit : Buzzfeed